Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Update...

Hey guys! I just had a follow-up appointment yesterday and great news! I only have to wear my brace for 4 more months. :D I just have to phase it out meaning that for the next 2 months I wear the brace for 16 hours, then the next 2 months I wear it for 12 hours and afterwards I don't have to wear it!!! 

Here are two outfits that I wore recently with the brace on:
In the first outfit I layered a cardigan over a long sleeve shirt to conceal the awkward bulges of the brace. I threw on a scarf to spice the outfit up a bit. :)

In this outfit, I incorporated two fall/winter trends which are colored jeans and scarves! The sweater is relatively loose so the bulges don't show. There is two spots sticking out but that's just the belt I'm wearing.

Thank you for checking out my blog and I hope to post some more fashion ideas soon!

Monday, November 26, 2012


I admit, I feel guilty...

When I started this blog, I wanted to consistently be able to write a couple of posts a week since most "scoliosis/back brace" blogs stop at one point or provide fresh content for months.

It's been over a MONTH since I wrote my last post. :( So what's been going on? Being a freshman in high school has changed my life a lot. More homework, tests, projects, after school activities, clubs, etc... I just haven't had the time to update this blog.

I will be honest, it takes a while to plan posts, take pictures, upload pictures, write a post and edit it. For me, school is my #1 priority so I have chosen to set aside this blog for awhile and update when I have the time.

I am still wearing my brace and if you guys have any post suggestions please let me know!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fashion Tips Part 2

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting in awhile. School has been overwhelming. I am a freshman in high school so I've been busy with projects and tests.  Here is another outfit idea:

My brace it goes up to the collar so I added a pretty scarf to cover it up and add some extra oomph to the outfit. Loose flouncy tops are a great way to still be girly but conceal the awkward lumps of the brace. You don't always have to wear a sweatshirt!

The shirt is cinched at the waist so it stays put on your body. I know coral is more of a summer color but it reminds me of orange leaves in the fall. I just paired the shirt with a pair of skinny jeans and flats. I know you're probably thinking "skinny jeans/jeggings, are you nuts?". But I find that they fit much better since it's more form fitting, they fit around your legs and waist. My waist is 1-2 sizes bigger than I used to be because of the brace, however my legs are not quite proportional to my waist so the bigger sizes were too loose around my legs. That's why I find jeggings and skinny jeans to be the better style. It's important to wear a belt since jeans tend to slip easily on the brace. My theory is that there is less friction than there is on skin. I hope this post is helpful! Please leave any post requests below!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


An important part of "embracing scoliosis" is accepting your condition and being happy the way you are.  Don't think that you're "unlucky" or you were "cursed" or "how come no one else has to wear a brace or get surgery". Sure, scoliosis is disease and it may seem that you are the only one that has it but that's not true. Did you know that about 3 in 100 people have some form of scoliosis? (KidsHealth) It doesn't necessarily mean that in a school of 500 people that 15 people have it however, if there are 7 billion people in the world then there are about 210 million that have some kind of scoliosis. No one is perfect. Even if you see someone that may seem perfectly healthy that might not be the case. What if they have asthma? What if they have dyslexia? What if they have diabetes? What if they have hemophilia? Or a life-threatening allergy? Or even cancer? Now, you're probably thinking about celebrities- the rich and famous. Aren't they so lucky? They seem to be blessed with beautiful skin, faces, body, lots of money...

Celebrities with Scoliosis
-Elizabeth Taylor (Actress: Jane Eyre, Cleopatra, etc.)
Source Link
-Sarah Michelle Gellar (Actress: Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
She embraced her scoliosis! Wears whatever she wants! Back bare, don't care :)
Source link
-Usain Bolt (Olympic Athlete: "World's Fastest Runner")
Scoliosis doesn't stop him from chasing his dreams!
Source Link
Scoliosis isn't something you should be ashamed of. Tell your friends first. They will support and respect you (otherwise they wouldn't be your friends!). In fact, I find that they help make it more bearable. To be honest, no one is going to be staring at you and your brace/back all the time (stalker, much?). Most will forget about it. Remember, a brace is temporary. Think of it as someone broke their arm or sprained their ankle and they have to wear a cast. Do people make a big deal about it? 

For me, the only thing holding me back was (well still is) my self-consciousness. I have not fully accepted myself but I'm on my way. At my school for one marking period I have to go to gym/P.E. class even though I have a doctor's note. I just get to choose what I can/cannot do... Changing in locker rooms is an issue... I am still embarrassed to change with the brace on.  I usually just change in a bathroom unless someone's in there which would be a problem. Do you guys have any advice? Should I suck it up and change out in the open? 

I know I probably sound like a hypocrite by saying to be confident when I am not... But this blog is meant to be like a journal for my journey. I am constantly discovering new things and I hope this blog can grow to be a community so we can help each other out and discuss about the struggles that we all share. I thank all my new followers! I appreciate that you took the time to read my blog. 

If you have something to share, leave a comment! I'd to hear what you say! The best thing you could do to support me is by being an active member- follow my blog or just by having a discussion on this blog or even sharing any of my posts with others who are dealing with scoliosis. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fashion Tips for Scoliosis Brace {Part 1}

Hey everyone! Here is part 1 of my series of posts about fashion tips geared towards people wearing a brace. This is what I wore on the first day of school.  I recommend wearing loose and flouncy tops that are not sheer to cover up any odd bumps. A nice pattern will distract others. It's nice to layer a similar color tank underneath to even out the hips if the shirt is short. In this particular shirt the sides are cut a but low so the tank will cover up the side of the brace that goes up to the armpit. 

The shirt is long in the back so it conceals the potentially awkward back area. I do recommend having long hair to cover the top so the brace doesn't seem to stick out in the middle of the shirt. I hope that's not too confusing! :)

I would definitely add some jewelry to spice up the look and pair a cute pair of sandals or flats with the outfit! By the way, both the top and bottom are from American Eagle Outfitters. ae.com They have a great selection of clothes! Click here to see my back to school haul. :)

Also, do any of you guys have an issue of your pants sliding down easily? I always have to wear a belt even if it's tight... I think the brace loosens my pants or something.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Meet the Brace...

The burden. The tormentor. The beast. Or simply, the brace. Whatever you want to call it, you still have to wear it. So why not embrace it? Honestly when I first got my brace, I was heartbroken. The hard, oddly shaped plastic contraption sucked all the air out of me. It was so tight yet sticking out in all sorts of places. How was I supposed to hide it? Was I supposed to only wear sweatshirts and sweatpants? But now I'm learning to "love" it (well not to that point yet but at least like it for now). 

So what brace do I have? I have the TLSO brace also known as the Boston Brace. The T-shaped part drilled onto the front is for my kyphosis not scoliosis. The left side goes up to my armpit and the right side goes all the way down to my hip. There's not much flexibility so if you don't like gym class you have an excuse to skip it (you have to get a doctor's note though)!
The Front
On the back, there are 3 straps to tighten the brace. If you can see the red dots that's about how far back I should tighten the brace.
The Back
I had to get new clothes after receiving the brace. Great, right? Eh... not so much. Jeans were okay because I just had to go up a size but tops were a hassle! Especially since I have the kyphosis part that reaches right under my collar bone. No v-necks or any low cut shirt. Nothing sheer. No tanks. Only loose shirts that were long or had to be paired with a long tank underneath. In the summer it was hard because some days were really really hot and I had to wear so many layers. You're supposed to wear a shirt/tank under the brace itself to prevent your skin from rubbing against it. It can be gross. But I've been learning to work around it. Fashion tips will be coming soon! Interested in just fashion and beauty in general? Visit my other blog Kassica.

Until next time,

Monday, August 27, 2012


Welcome to Embracing Scoliosis! I noticed there wasn't a lot of blogs about scoliosis so I wanted to create one to help others deal with scoliosis. To tell you a little about myself: I wear a brace as treatment for scoliosis and kyphosis. I would say my scoliosis is moderate. Usually I don't have any back related pain. In this blog I plan on addressing myths and misconceptions related to scoliosis as well as tips on dealing with a brace (fashion tips for girls especially!). 

If you want to be updated on future posts just click on "Join this site" on the right! (You do need a google account)

Any post suggestions will be taken into consideration! Just leave a comment below! :)

Thank you for visiting!